Check streaming options between hearing aids and mobile phones

Search phone/tablet
I don’t know which phone or tablet I have

Find out which model your phone is



On your phone, go to Settings> General> About. If you have an iPhone 7 or earlier, you can find the model on the back of your phone.


On your phone, go to the Settings or Options menu, scroll to the bottom of the list, and select 'About phone', 'About device' or similar. The model should be listed here.

Choose hearing aids
I don’t know which hearing aid I have

Find out which hearing aid you have

You can find the model of your hearing aid in these places:

  • In the Oticon Companion app, tap "Hearing aids" in the bottom navigation
  • On the case or the cover of your hearing aids
  • On your receipt

If you can’t see the model in any of these places, please contact your hearing care professional.

Hearing aids compatible with
Devices compatible with
Direct audio streaming
Hearing aid family
Not available
Operating system
or later
Image of a smartphone
Requires Android
Requires iOS
Two-way communication
What is direct audio streaming and two way communication?
title video
Direct audio streaming
Direct two-way communication
What does this mean?
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This device has been tested by Oticon as compatible.
Sorry, no results are found
Please select different options and try again.
Sorry, the device is not compatible with the hearing aid
The phone and hearing aid selected have no streaming capabilities. You will not be able to stream sound from the phone to the hearing aid.
Model/Brand/Operating System
For best performance, we always recommend that you update your device to the latest version of iOS or Android OS.
Apple devices:
Android devices:
or later.
The compatibility guide should be used for reference only. While we strive for seamless device compatibility, due to complexity, and the ever-evolving landscape of compatibility specifications, we cannot guarantee full compatibility. We encourage the user to conduct their own tests before making a purchase decision.
Tested by Oticon
We continuously conduct independent compatibility tests on various mobile devices. In cases where a “Tested” badge is not present, the mobile device meets the specifications for compatibility, however, it has not been independently tested by Oticon.

To access a printable list of all ASHA compatible and Bluetooth® LE Audio phones, please click here.