Living With a Hearing Aid


Wearing hearing aids: when you should and when you shouldn’t

Reading Time: 4 min.

When you get hearing aids and discover all the sounds you’ve been missing, chances are you never want to take them out. However, to keep your hearing devices in tip-top shape, it’s important to understand when and when not to wear your hearing aids.

Most people like to wear them from the moment they start their day to the moment they go to bed, and we recommend doing the same. Hearing all the sounds you should, from birds chirping to phone conversations to the evening news, helps keep your brain healthy and sharp.

When your brain can’t process sound properly, it makes it more difficult to focus and understand what’s going on around you. This can cause “brain drain” — you might notice you have problems remembering things, or even getting tired after social events. This is why Oticon hearing aids feature BrainHearing™ technology, allowing you to focus all day on the quality sounds and information you need.

And, studies show hearing aids can reduce your risk of falls, as well as the risk of dementia and cognitive decline.

You might notice, if you haven’t worn your hearing aids for a few days, when you put them back in, it takes time to adjust. Not wearing your hearing aids regularly doesn’t give your brain the time to acclimate to them, and you may continue struggling to hear properly.

Do wear your hearing aids:

  • To social gatherings and parties. When you can hear the sounds and conversations you want, you stay involved, active, and get to enjoy every moment.
  • When dining out at restaurants. This helps ensure you hear everything your dining companions or server has to say without distracting background noise.
  • At home, even if you live alone. Your hearing aids can alert you to emergency situations, like a security system, smoke alarm, weather siren, or other important notification.

However, this doesn’t mean you should wear your hearing devices 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


There are certain exceptions to wearing your hearing aids all day, as some activities can cause them damage. Remember, hearing aids aren’t designed to get wet. (If your hearing devices do get wet, be sure to wipe them off immediately. If you have a hearing aid that works via a disposable battery, open the battery drawer, and allow it to dry or use a hearing aid dryer, also called a dry box.)

Don’t wear your hearing aids:

  • In the shower or bath
  • Swimming or in the water
  • At the hair salon
  • When putting on perfume
  • While applying hair sprays and sunscreen
  • Around very loud noises (like mowing the lawn)
  • You also shouldn’t wear your hearing aids when you go to bed. You’ll risk your hearing devices falling out and becoming lost or damaged. Plus, sleeping without your devices gives your ears the chance to “breathe” overnight, allowing air to circulate through, as well as potentially reduce the chance of more earwax buildup.


Place them in their case or charger overnight per your hearing device’s instructions. If you happen to fall asleep with your hearing aids in, don’t worry. You won’t harm your hearing health — just try not to make a habit of it. Find out more tips on keeping your hearing aids in their best shape here.


If you have any other questions about your hearing aids, or need a checkup, contact a hearing care provider in your area today!


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