Innovation in hearing aid technology that can benefit people with the most severe hearing losses doesn't occur every day. For "super power" hearing aid wearers who rely heavily on their hearing aids, even the smallest advances in technology are well worth the wait. Yet despite the potential for life-enhancing benefits, some still hesitate to make the change from older technologies because they are concerned that adjustment to a new hearing solution will be difficult.
Oticon, Inc., a leading hearing solutions manufacturer with a trusted legacy in power hearing devices, has introduced Oticon Dynamo, the company's most powerful compact BTE13 super power device. Dynamo offers a number of impressive technology breakthroughs including the ability to access more of the important details of everyday conversation for better speech understanding. To help make the upgrade to the new technology easier, Dynamo provides a more personalized, comfortable fit that eases the transition to the solution’s performance advantages.
"Adults with severe and severe-to-profound losses have generally been living with their hearing losses for a long time – sometimes for decades," said Donald Schum, PhD, Vice President, Audiology and Professional Relations for Oticon, Inc. "They know what they can and cannot hear, and they have very specific preferences based on their experience with many hearing devices over the years. To be able to serve their needs most effectively, it’s important to listen and to learn from each individual. And that is what we accomplish with the Personalization process in the new Dynamo hearing solution."
With Dynamo, Oticon aims to provide super power wearers with better speech understanding so wearers can hear conversation like never before. Dynamo is the first super power device to feature the ultra-fast Inium Sense sound processor and BrainHearing™ technology, Oticon's innovative "brain first" approach that recognizes hearing happens in the brain. The powerful technologies enable Dynamo to be personalized to each wearer’s unique hearing profile and sound preferences. Dynamo then delivers the clearest sound possible in the way that the brain is best able to understand it.
Two innovative features in Dynamo, Speech Guard E and Speech Rescue™, work together to protect the clarity of sound. Speech Rescue captures spoken sound and makes it more understandable by "rescuing" important speech frequencies that might otherwise be lost – such as "s" and "th" – and repositioning them within the wearer's individual range of hearing. Speech Guard E then works to keep sound clear and undistorted. The nuances of speech are preserved so that Dynamo wearers benefit from a very full sound experience even in challenging listening environments.
Dynamo's wireless connectivity features enable a world of easy connection to phone calls, music players, mobile and computer chats, podcasts, TV and more. There is even an App for smartphones.
Dynamo can be worn in combination with a cochlear implant on the opposite ear.
For more information on Dynamo and other Oticon hearing solutions visit